social insurance in figures

Int J Health Plann Manag. Labor force participation and earnings in Mongolia. In particular, to raise the value of health insurance, policymakers must understand the importance of improving the quality of health care services in Mongolia. Google Scholar. Policies to Address Insufficiencies in Social Insurance., DOI: The labor market will likely continue to face significant headwinds over the next few months, despite the recent legislation. The funder has no role in the design of the study and collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and in writing the manuscript. Springer Nature. Thus. Private hospitals that are affiliated with social health insurance still rely heavily on out-of-pocket payments from patients (an average of US$27 per capita on out-of-pocket expenditure) [6, 22]. Although SSNs are issued in some order, there is no simple way to tell a person's age based on his Social Security number. Public sector employees may already be enjoying some medical benefits from public health care providers because some government workers have access to specialized medical facilities that provide services only to them on a priority basis. Most employers and employees (over 16 years of age and under 66) pay social insurance (PRSI) contributions into the national Social Insurance Fund. Int J Equity Health. Terms and Conditions. We investigated the feasibility of a parallel private health insurance package for the working population in Ulaanbaatar as a means toward universal health coverage in Mongolia. The application will ask for such information as your name, sex, date of birth and parents' names. In Figure 4, the diamond-studded black line on each bar shows the 12-month net change in DPI between each month of 2019 and 2020 (e.g., April 2019 by April 2020); the stacked bars illustrate how different components of DPI contributed to that change. Google Scholar. Khan T, Aslam M. Mongolia: gender disparities in labor markets and policy suggestions; 2013. Bull World Health Organ. Waiting time is another factor that leads to the use of private health facilities, especially among workers, where time represents the opportunity costs of being sick [37, 38]. We set the starting premium at ₮30,000 to exemplify future similar insurance products. The content validity of the questionnaire was examined by public health experts, statistical specialists, and professors from National Yang-Ming University (Taiwan) and Ach Medical University (Mongolia). "Best Practices for the use of Social Insurance Numbers … Health Policy. 1964 — SINs were created to serve as a primary form of identification within the Canada Pension Plan, as well as the country’s employment insurance programs. Accessed Feb. 17, 2020. 2014— Service Canada stopped issuing plastic SIN cards. Increasing the value and reach of social insurance was instrumental for maintaining spending, largely because many of the same households experiencing a decline in labor income lacked sufficient wealth or other resources to weather a temporary loss in earned income. After excluding 268 individuals with missing data, we included 1657 participants. 2017;16:73. CAS  The sample size n for our study was determined using Slovin’s formula for a known population [23, 24]: where N is the population size (555350), and e is the level of precision (set as 0.05). Hamilton police (HPS) are warning residents about an increase in online fraud involving Social Insurance Numbers.. Police say in many instances, people are receiving a … Health Aff. Compared with the mining industry, the participants from the construction, finance, and education industries had significantly higher odds of willingness to participate. To be sure, those challenges have not been evenly felt across the workforce; there are substantial racial differences in the share of those who are unemployed specifically due to a job loss. 2005;83:127–34. The predicted WTP for the parallel private health insurance for men and women was Mongolian Tugrik (₮)16,369 (p < 0.001) and ₮16,661 (p < 0.001), respectively. Predicted WTP by industry. Sign and date the application when finished. Regarding the most desirable aspect of social health insurance, “convenience and ease of access” ranked the highest at 34.27%, followed by “low premium” (29.8%). Washington: UNAID; 2000. Int J Manpow. High mobility and low tenure in the labor market can be addressed by the parallel PHI system, as it can be provided as a job incentive and can effectively attract talent from the labor market [19]. To analyze WTP, we performed a 2-part model and computed the full marginal effects using both intensive and extensive margins. "Protecting your Social Insurance Number." Please look at the price of the premium below and tell us whether you will be willing to pay that amount of premium per month (Fig. International Journal for Equity in Health Willingness to pay (WTP) was evaluated using a contingent valuation method and a double-bounded dichotomous choice elicitation questionnaire. Yip W. Healthcare system challenges in Asia. Regarding the one aspect of social health insurance that the respondent wished to change, 38.1% responded “service,” and 23.22% responded “quality,” representing the top 2 categories of the responses. The current social health insurance premium is set on an individual basis and not on a household basis, as in other countries [29, 31, 32]. Your Social Insurance Number (or SIN) is a 9-digit number provided to you from Service Canada, which you need to work in Canada, have access to government benefits and programs and it is your SIN which identifies you when you file your personal income taxes.If you’re a citizen, a permanent resident or a temporary resident, you need a Social Insurance Number (SIN). As expected, higher household income was associated with higher log odds of participation (P < .05). However, the marginal effects differed by gender: for men, but not for women, a medical expenditure of 5–25% of income had a positive marginal effect on WTP. For example, in the United Kingdom, approximately 11% of people have had parallel private insurance [35]. Regarding marginal effects, household income had an overall positive effect on WTP (P < .001), and the marginal effect of income for men was higher than that for women. In early 2021, The Hamilton Project will build upon its prior work and publish a series of policy proposals outlining ambitious ideas to improve the American social insurance system. It is a 9-digit number. In 1967, Revenue Canada (now the Canada Revenue Agency) started using the SIN for tax reporting purposes. J Bus. Demand for private health insurance in Chinese urban areas. Therefore, examining the WTP of employees from the different sectors is essential for determining the feasibility of the parallel health insurance system. We used a double-bounded dichotomous choice elicitation questionnaire, as used in studies to determine WTP for private health insurance in low- and middle-income countries [25, 27]. Low quality of service was a major source of dissatisfaction. 2016;15:105. Oduniyi OS, Antwi MA, Tekana SS. (Yes/No); Please tick one best thing you like about social health insurance (premium/quality/level of convenience/other); Please tick one worst thing you dislike about social health insurance (premium/quality/level of convenience/other); What would you like to improve in the social health insurance system if you had a chance to do so? However, these services are not fully covered by the existing SHI system in Mongolia, which can result in considerable and often unpredictable health care OOP expenditure [2, 8,9,10]. The employed population, rather than the general population, can be considered the main contributor to healthcare financing in many developing countries. CAS  In addition, although the different demographic groups’ income expectations have moved together, the expectations of lower-income people and people living with children have generally worsened more quickly and improved more slowly. 2019;24:715–26. “Past smokers” were respondents who used to smoke but have quit; respondents who have never smoked were considered “nonsmokers.” Adequate exercise was measured using the question “Do you think you have adequate exercise each week?” (150 min of moderate activity or 75 min of aerobic activity per week was considered adequate exercise). This high level of dissatisfaction with public health care services is common in developing countries [5]. Even Asian workers, who were the least likely to be unemployed due to a job loss before the recession hit, have been significantly more likely to be unemployed due to a job loss since April than white workers. Overall, < 40% of the participants were satisfied with the current system, but when the study population was stratified by industry, a wide range of satisfaction rate was observed, ranging from 17.1% in public administration to 51.1% in the wholesale and retail trade. Tsevelvaanchig U. We proposed the following private health insurance package with total coverage of 5 times higher (Mongolian Tugrik [MNT or ₮] 10,000,000 or US$4167) than the present annual coverage by social health insurance. Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. We use logit for the first part and ordinary least squares (OLS) for the second part. The employed population, rather than the general population, can be considered the main contributor of healthcare financing in many developing countries; therefore, information on their WTP for PHI is essential for determining the feasibility of the program. The overall gender wage gaps are approximately 10% in all industries [20]. During the transition period, the employment rate decreased sharply from 87 to 62% until 2001 [15]. Javascript is required for the best experience on this site. As shown in figures 3a and 3b, lower-income adults (figure 3a) and those residing with minors (figure 3b) have consistently been more pessimistic regarding their labor market income. Apply now to receive a pension. Most previous studies have focused on the use of national or public health insurance programs as a means of achieving UHC [11]. In the spring of 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated recession, policymakers originated significant expansions to social insurance, including unemployment insurance benefits, refundable tax credits, and paid leave. Because of this expansion, the average household experienced an increase in purchasing power, even as the labor market and employee compensation sharply contracted during the spring of 2020. The full marginal effect can be solved with the derivative of E (yi|xi) using the chain rule as follows: We retained interaction terms that were statistically significant in at least any part (logit and OLS) of the 2-part model and dropped the terms that were not significant to ensure that the model was parsimonious. You are entitled to receive your contributory pension if you: 1. are 65 years of age or over; and 2. have paid (or been credited with) between 25 and 50 contributions to the Contributory Pension Fund (CPF) a year. Private health care providers are often perceived to offer better services, technology, and ease of access [6, 7]. The working population in Ulaanbaatar in 2018 was estimated by the NSO to be 555,350 people, with 303,544 men and 251,806 women. In addition, in several Asian countries [43, 44], private health insurance industries are well developed despite efficient public health sectors. This prompted us to investigate differences in WTP by gender in Mongolia during the transition period when women had a higher education level [25] but lower wage and fewer job opportunities than men [26]. We specifically made the package nontransferable to family members, as the objective of this package is to improve the health of the working population instead of the general population. 2018;13:e0189915. Systematic review of willingness to pay for health insurance in low and middle income countries. Besley T, Hall J, Preston I. 2019;14:e0219731. First, Mongolia has a very high proportion (65%) of working-age population (i.e., female and male citizens aged 15 to 55 or 60 years, respectively), which can be viewed as an enormous demographic window according to the 2018 National Statistical Office (NSO) Report [14]. Economic impacts of chronic conditions in a country with high levels of population health coverage: lessons from Mongolia. To be sure, those challenges have not been evenly felt across the workforce; there are substantial racial differences in the share of those who are unemployed specifically due to a job loss. Lindhjem H, Navrud S. Asking for individual or household willingness to pay for environmental goods? PubMed Google Scholar. The predicted WTP for the parallel private health insurance for men and women was Mongolian Tugrik (₮)16,369 (p < 0.001) and ₮16,661 (p < 0.001), respectively, accounting for approximately 2.4% of the median or 1.7% of the average salary in the country. Table 3 shows the estimates from the 2-part model. What can we learn from international comparisons of health systems and health system reform? PubMed  The proposed package was laid out in the following manner: How much would you pay for private medical insurance if such a product were available? You may apply for a SIN before you start working or up to three days after your start date. The whole program managed by the Social Security Administration (SSA) is known as Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI). Medical expenditure of > 25% of one’s income was associated with higher WTP for participation (₮13,784, P < .05). Social Insurance (Sozialversicherung) Every person is entitled to get Social Security card/Social Security number. NSO: Mongolian statistical information service. Most of the previous studies investigating WTP for PHI have often focused on the general population. Additionally, millions of those who were able to keep their jobs had no paid sick leave benefits—both egregious and dangerous in a pandemic. The Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a unique number that you use to identify yourself. You need a Social Insurance Number (SIN) to work in … Given that a WTP being zero would not indicate negative WTP (it is reasonable to assume the lowest value a person’s WTP can take is zero. We aimed to involve the organizations that represent Mongolian industries based on their market share based on the advice of the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Willingness to pay for community health insurance among taxi drivers in Kampala City, Uganda: a contingent evaluation. ), we performed a 2-part model with the dependent variable divided into an intensive margin and an extensive margin. Eur J Health Econ. However, PHI could play a positive role in improving health financing when it complements the existing SHI, especially when the SHI provides only limited coverage [12, 13]. We conducted a cross-sectional survey between July and September 2018 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Social Insurance Numbers at Central Manitoba Region, Morden Centre Provided By Service Canada. In particular, from April through November, DPI was higher by almost 10 percent on average. Ulaanbaatar: National University of Mongolia; 2014. 2006;30:305–9. Not surprisingly, 40.3% of the respondents selected “low quality” as the most undesirable aspect of the current social health insurance. There is no fee to apply for a Social Insurance … The traditional labor market is concentrated in the mining sector. Contact Social Insurance Number. The Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a nine-digit number that you need to work (and get paid) in Canada. THP collaborates with leading experts to produce evidence-based policy proposals that foster prosperity through broad-based, sustainable economic growth. COVID-19: Service Canada Centres. This may be because of the current gender imbalances in higher education (14.27% of women had postgraduate education level vs. 8.74% of men, which is also noted in a previous study [40]) and the wage level. Detailed information about the SIN is on the Service Canada website. The amount you receive will depend on the total contributions and number of years you have been part of the plan. 2018;10:24. However, because a number of those expansions were temporary, support from social insurance significantly receded after the spring even as the labor market only partially recovered. Among the many examples of those deficiencies, the unemployment insurance system left out millions of workers who were laid off at the start of the pandemic. In this study, we assessed the demand of PHI among workers from different industries in Mongolia by analyzing their willingness to pay (WTP) for PHI. Approximately 12% of women spent > 25% of their income on medical expenditure, and the corresponding percentage was only 6.4% for men. 2015;3:64–8. Int J Equity Health 20, 7 (2021). This amount is most likely unaffordable for an average Mongolian household, given that the average monthly household income was only US$451 in 2018 [22]. California Privacy Statement, The basic Social Security benefit is called the primary insurance amount (PIA). Here, we assume that such private medical insurance will reimburse you up to ₮10,000,000 for hospitalization and other medical costs (e.g., outpatient, inpatient, drug costs, laboratory test) not covered by the current social health insurance. First, we included only workers from Ulaanbaatar, which may not be generalizable to the entire country. is defined as follows: where yi is WTP for an individual I, f0 is the density of yi when yi = 0, fc is the conditional density of yi when yi > 0, x is a vector of covariates, and f0(0 ∣ yi = 0, xi) = 1. This amount can be used on yourself only and not transferable to your family members, who will each have to use a separate policy. To increase response quality and minimize missing data, we asked the Chief Executive Officers or managers of all organization to allow employees to complete the questionnaire at a particular time. The role of private health insurance differs depending on the country’s wealth and health service development among low- and middle-income countries [34]. Colombo F, Tapay N. Private health insurance in OECD countries: the benefits and costs for individuals and health systems; 2004. The satisfied respondents may have used the social health insurance system before, so they know the benefit of insurance and may plan to increase the service quality and access through the supplementary private health insurance. For nearly a century, American households have relied on social insurance programs to bolster financial resources when workers experience an unexpected loss of income or when resources are insufficient to meet basic needs. In Mongolia, OOP expenditure accounted for 41% of the total health expenditure in 2011, causing a severe household financial burden [2]. Studies using a CV survey indicated that WTP that the respondents state on behalf of their households is not significantly different from their individual WTP [29]. The pretest was performed twice among workers from different fields and professions to ensure that the respondents understood the questions accurately. As a result of social insurance policies, disposable personal income (total after-tax income, or DPI) in 2020 was higher relative to 2019 despite weakness in aggregate compensation of employees. That’s the amount you’ll get each month from Social Security if you wait until full retirement age (currently 66 and gradually rising to … Climate. You need this number to use some government programs. For example, as shown in figure 2, over 20 percent of Native American and Hawaiian workers were unemployed due to a job loss in April, while 11 percent of white workers were. where α denotes the vector for the first-part logit model, and β is the vector of parameters for the second-part model. You do not need to go to a Service Canada Centre for service. However, 41% of the entire working population lives in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar [22]. Raw data were entered into computers by two independent individuals and were compared to ensure accurate data entry. 2017;32:476–86. The offered package was thus deemed profitable after actuarial calculation. Batchuluun A, Lin JY. The Mongolian health care system is underfunded, and its service quality is low, particularly among public health care providers. PLoS One. Government of Canada. The social health insurance in Mongolia covers mostly inpatient care services, and the coverage is different among public and private health care providers. The formula starts by using your Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) calculated in the previous step. Typically the PIA is a function of average indexed monthly earnings (AIME). The question “Are you a current smoker?” had three response options: nonsmoker, past smoker, and current smoker. As a measure to prevent identity theft, a confirmation letter, containing the SIN, is sent to the app… To date, the recovery has been only partial and has slowed in recent months, with the Bureau of Labor Statistics reporting that total employment in November was still 9.8 million workers below its level in February. We then discarded variables that were not statistically significant in any of the models (bivariate and 2-part model, explained later). The results of previous studies in Mongolia have indicated high out-of-pocket expenditure [8, 9], which leads to an immense economic burden on households, leading to poverty [2, 36]. However, low-income workers are significantly more worried about labor income loss than those with higher incomes; and workers living with children are significantly more worried than their childless counterparts. Nosratnejad S, Rashidian A, Dror DM. This study was supported by the Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology (Grant numbers: 109–2314-B-010-049-MY2). Given these patterns, it is not surprising that the social insurance system has targeted lower income households and those with children. Moreover, many of the same racial and ethnic minority groups experiencing greater labor market pain have also been at. Our study is the first survey-based study for predicted WTP for PHI for the employed population in Mongolia. Johar M, Jones G, Keane MP, Savage E, Stavrunova O. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. We chose relevant covariates by using a model-building process. Buckley NJ, Cuff K, Hurley J, McLeod L, Nuscheler R, Cameron D. Willingness-to-pay for parallel private health insurance: evidence from a laboratory experiment. Adiya E. Gender equity in access to higher education in Mongolia: University of Pittsburgh; 2010. Regulating the for-profit private healthcare providers towards universal health coverage: a qualitative study of legal and organizational framework in Mongolia. Bull World Health Organ. THP blog posts offer analysis of economic policy challenges and highlight solutions to promote evidence-based economic growth. Liu T-C, Chen C-S. An analysis of private health insurance purchasing decisions with national health insurance in Taiwan. Congress enacted significant increases in social insurance through policies that included increased and expanded unemployment insurance benefits, payments to business owners, increases in food benefits, paid leave, and refundable tax credits. Tropical Med Int Health. To be sure, wealth holdings for many households were already nowhere near sufficient to face the recession. Note that, as … Your FRA can vary depending on the year you were born. Most male and female participants were married. In addition, as described in a piece published in the summer of 2020, several factors will slow the labor market’s recovery: elevated long-term unemployment, millions of jobs being permanently lost, and millions of individuals having dropped out of the labor force. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of National Yang-Ming University (YM107064E-2), Taipei, Taiwan, and by the Medical Ethics Committee of Ach Medical University (12/23), Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Temporary workers must obtain a social insurance number (SIN) in the first days after arrival in Québec. Disparities in WTP stratified by industry and gender were analyzed. Role of emerging private hospitals in a post-soviet mixed health system: a mixed methods comparative study of private and public hospital inpatient care in Mongolia. Tsevelvaanchig U, Narula IS, Gouda H, Hill PS. Since May, all non-white worker groups have followed a similarly elevated rate of monthly job losses; and although their rates are approaching their white counterparts’, the many months of greater job losses inflict disproportionate labor market pain on non-white workers. This number has to be kept safe. Past smokers had a higher WTP by approximately ₮5700 than nonsmokers (P < .05). In addition, to a smaller degree, automatic stabilizers— structural mechanisms built into government spending and revenue that automatically offset economic fluctuations—led to increases in income in 2020 from multiple sources, such as: benefits paid to the unemployed, an increase in food benefits for some participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and for families with children who qualify for free or reduced-price school meals, and a reduction in taxes. Correspondence to 2020;8:47. Perceptions of current social health insurance were evaluated. Government of Canada Building 158 Stephen St Morden MB, … THP charts, maps, and tables highlight economic policy challenges through dynamic interactive features. J Cult Econ. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of National Yang-Ming University (YM107064E-2), Taipei, Taiwan, and by the Medical Ethics Committee of Ach Medical University (12/23), Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Only 15.1% of the respondents chose “service quality.” The remaining respondents chose “other” (not specified). OB collected the data, OB and CP analyzed the data. In addition, a survey of renters in professionally managed buildings shows that beginning in the spring, fewer households were able to make their rent payments relative to 2019. And, of course, hundreds of thousands of small businesses have permanently closed their doors as a result of the pandemic. Improving the health care system is the main priority of the Mongolian government. So let’s jump in with calculating your AIME. Soc Sci Med. Later on, in this article, we have an audio recording of a crook who happened to call our number at Scam Detector. Kalal BS. Batchuluun A, Dalkhjav B. Basaza R, Kyasiimire EP, Namyalo PK, Kawooya A, Nnamulondo P, Alier KP. The education industry had the highest predicted WTP ₮22,675 (SE = 3346), and the mining industry and public administration had the lowest. Cite this article. Another relief bill enacted at the end of 2020 ensured that social insurance support was not abruptly withdrawn at the end of December. Studies on the use of private health insurance (PHI) as a means to achieve UHC are limited. All analyses were performed using STATA statistical software (version 15.0, StataCorp, TX, USA). We used purposive sampling to collect data from 22 public and private companies from 11 industries in Ulaanbaatar: mining, processing, electricity, construction, wholesale and retail, transportation, information and communication, finance and insurance, public administration, education, and health care. Beware of a new Social Insurance Number scam going around nationwide. Impact of out-of-pocket health care financing and health insurance utilization among the population: a systematic review; 2018. The Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a 9 digit number that you need to work in Canada or to have access to government programs and benefits. 2013 — New Employment Insurance Regulationscame into effect requiring that employees provide employers with their SINs. Raising awareness of the gender imbalance, especially related to the education level, is essential for policymakers because this topic lies at the intersection of many fields, including education, health, and labor [40], and the position of women is different in different countries [21]. To the social insurance number ( SIN ) in Canada to administer various government programs a previous study reported WTP! 251,806 women achieve UHC are limited health insurance Mongolian labor market outcomes for poor and vulnerable groups Mongolia. Document to the following address: Service Canada, social insurance system were more using! Groups in Mongolia ; 2018 of Science and technology ( Grant numbers: social insurance in figures.. 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