interconnected vs interrelated

Attention will be drawn here especially to the following factors: the homogeneity of electricity as a product and the transparency of the (highly concentrated) market (see point; the strong position of the interconnected firms in the old demarcation zones and the opportunities for basing competitive behaviour on the original market allocation (see point; the expected small growth in demand and the low price elasticity of, An dieser Stelle ist insbesondere auf folgende Faktoren hinzuweisen: die Homogenit�t des Produktes Strom und die Transparenz des (sehr konzentrierten) Marktes (siehe unten; die starke Stellung der Verbundunternehmen in den ehemals demarkierten Gebieten und die M�glichkeit, das Wettbewerbsverhalten an der urspr�nglichen Aufteilung zu orientieren (unten; das geringe zu erwartende Nachfragewachstum und die geringe, The students understand the concepts of normality, difference, deviation, The loss of biodiversity, energy problems, scarce resources and climate change as, well as the resulting social impact are challenges which, Der Verlust von Biodiversit�t, Energieprobleme, Rohstoffknappheit und Klimawandel, sowie die daraus, erwachsenden gesellschaftlichen Folgen sind. 'Interrelated' suggests more of an equal and 'two-way' relationship between the two things. They are universal because everyone is born with and possesses the same rights, regardless of where they live, their gender or race, or their religious, cultural or ethnic background. eg Garlic is related to cooking. Best wishes, Clive. [WordNet 1.5] 2. operating as a unit. B. f�r den Einsatz in Rettungswerkzeugen macht. Many interrelated factors are at work here. cohesion in an enlarged EU, taking into account sustainability and the protection of the environment, sustainable urban planning, the interaction between environment, energy and society, the role of cities and metropolitan regions, and the socio-economic impact of European policies and legislation. Continuing to use this site, you agree with this. I Turn Polar Bears White? What are synonyms for interconnected? interrelated definition: 1. connected in such a way that each thing has an effect on or depends on the other: 2. connected…. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Dec 13 2020 20:37:11. Interconnected definition is - mutually joined or related. News: The Future of Augmented Reality & 5G — Wireless Marketing for AR Is Right Message Aimed at Wrong Audience . Within the past four decades, research has been increasingly drawn toward understanding whether there is a link between the changing human–nature relationship and its impact on people’s health. F or many years reading and writing were (and sometimes still are) taught separately. However, each area of development influences the others, and is interconnected. Interconnect definition, to connect with one another. When the blocks are interconnected by the plugs all the coils are short-circuited; but if the plug or plugs are taken out, then a current flowing from one"end of the series to the other is compelled to pass through the corresponding coils. However, to examine whether there is a link requires research of its breadth and underlying mechanisms from an interdisciplinary approach. index interrelated, reciprocal, related, relative (relevant) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. interconnected — adj. Syn: incorporate, incorporated, merged, unified. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” Stufen geh�ren, kam bei den Gespr�chen heraus, dass es noch einige Punkte gibt, die �ber das in den vorausgegangenen Abschnitten Gesagte hinausgingen und die es zu beachten gilt. one calls akkomodation this process. Linked passages 2. connected passages 3. interrelated passages (1) and (2) are possible. Ursprünglich wurden Interconnected Networks als… …   Deutsch Wikipedia, Interconnected Networks — (dt. the proteins in the lentil condense in the aged and can with it to an increasing optical compression of the lentil and lead with it to the so-called cataract. au�er diesem einen Planeten, mit einem Land und die Menschheit ist nur B�rger....wir sind alle gleich und das ist eine wunderbare Sache... but it is only with the electrification of the dynamized subject that the movement of subjects in space also initiates a disintegration. Interconnected definition is - mutually joined or related. ein logo f�r die kunst ist keine kunst: es ist eine schrift. 3. mutually connected, connected to each other, linked togetherv. mehr �bertragungskapazit�ten f�r Rundfunkzulassungen als das Frequenzmanagement aufgrund physikalischer Gesetzm��igkeiten in der Wellenausbreitung bereitstellen kann. In 1948 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was drawn up. Aus mehreren Schichten bestehendes Vegetationselement (10) f�r die Begr�nung von k�nstlichen Ebenen, wie D�cher oder anderen Fl�chen, insbesondere zur Begr�nung von gro�en Fl�chen, wobei die. Another word for interconnected. Perhaps another word would be better, like 'interconnected', or something else. mutually connected, connected to each other, linked togetherv. europ�ischer sozio�konomischer Modelle und des wirtschaftlichen und sozialen und territorialen Zusammenhalts in einer erweiterten EU unter Ber�cksichtigung der Nachhaltigkeit und des Umweltschutzes, einer nachhaltigen Stadtplanung, der Wechselwirkung zwischen Umwelt, Energie und Gesellschaft und der Rolle der St�dte und Ballungsgebiete und der sozio�konomischen Auswirkungen der europ�ischen Politik und des Gemeinschaftsrechts. OK, The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. Interrelated definition is - having a mutual or reciprocal relation. das. 4 synonyms for interconnected: interrelated, coordinated, co-ordinated, unified. Formed into a whole or introduced into another entity; as, an integrated Europe. [WordNet 1.5] 2. GPY; Answer this Question Ask a Question. Vegetation element (10) comprising several layers for greening artificial flat surfaces, such as roofs or other surfaces, particularly for greening large surfaces. To the earth, chemically. Find more ways to say more interconnected, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Through the network developed under the European Enter-net programme, all Member States as well as the World Health. adjective 1. reciprocally connected • Syn: ↑interrelated • Similar to: ↑reticulate, ↑reticular • Derivationally related forms: ↑interrelatedness (for: ↑ This section provides a perspective on the interlinked nature of the SDGs in the context of the Goals and themes under review at the July 2018 highlevel political forum on sustainable development. 1. having internal connections between parts. HERE - British Pronunciation? In plants, it deals with the arrangement of different types of tissues in root, stem and leaf, etc. Nunmehr sind durch das im Rahmen des Programms "European Enter-net" aufgebaute Netz alle Mitgliedstaaten sowie die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO), die. Change Management Analyst Salary vs. Other Change Jobs. “All life is interrelated” In Dr. King’s famous Christmas Sermon of 1967, he said: “It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. current usage) have it right the two are pretty much interchangeable. DEFINITIONS 1. (3) isn't right. be connected with one another, which makes them an unbeatable combination for rescue tools, etc. As nouns the difference between interconnection and interrelation. The President-in-Office of the Council has referred to the fight against terrorism and it is clear that when freedom was attacked with the barbarity of 11 September it was perfectly demonstrated that in today's globalised landscape concepts of security. connect one with another; become connected; connect, link (Computers) English contemporary dictionary . Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, When you were born, a "you" was born at the same time in many, Denn als du geboren wurdest, wurden viele Du in vielen R�umen des Kosmos gleichzeitig geboren, sie. Formed or united into a whole. connect one with another; become connected; connect, link (Computers) …   English contemporary dictionary, interconnected — See: interconnect …   English dictionary, interconnected — /ɪntəkəˈnɛktəd/ (say intuhkuh nektuhd) adjective connected, one to another. adjective. shininggirlAny better suggestion? These two aspects are sometimes interrelated since loyalty can be based on trust. des Ph�nomens des Terrorismus, das uns alle gleicherma�en trifft, von allen in gleicher Weise eine Antwort erteilt werden muss. Find more ways to say interconnected, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The purpose of a biological assessment is to evaluate the potential effects of a federal action on listed and proposed species and designated critical habitat, and to determine the need for consultation or conference.The assessment can be completed as part of a NEPA document or prepared as a stand-alone document. Definition of "interconnected" at Simple Ad-Free English Dictionary with Hyperlinks to The Free World Bank - A BIG Thinking Scientific Save the World High Level Concept on Amazon S3 1. to connect two things to or with each other, or to be connected to or with each other. Take as defined in section 3(18) of the Act means to "harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect, or to attempt to engage in such conduct." The number of global IoT-connected devices is … Though the two have almost always been taught by the same person (the English/Language Arts teacher) during the Language Arts period or block, educators rarely made explicit … : 61 Much like Crenshaw, Collins argues that cultural patterns of oppression are not only interrelated, but are bound together and influenced by the intersectional systems of … die linse besteht aus transparentem gewebe. The development of children is often studied as separate topics, for example their different skills are viewed and measured in different ways. most major international Human Rights instruments, and universal Human Rights principles are enshrined in constitutions, legal codes and government pronouncements. The world is interconnected and this interconnection is subdivided into departments. an Vorsorge f�r die Risikogruppen und an Behandlung der bereits an Lepra erkrankten Personen gezielter entgegenzukommen. 1. Democracy has not always accompanied market economy. this is all about finding the right type of logo for art. The balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement each offer unique details with information that is all interconnected. privaten Verbraucher als auch f�r die Unternehmen von Nutzen ist, weil er ein stabiles und verl�ssliches Umfeld f�r die notwendigen Investitionen schafft und f�r einen effizienten Einsatz der Energieressourcen sorgt. die zur Umgehung der Bestimmungen �ber die Nominees (insbesondere als Syndikat) ihr Verhalten aufeinander abstimmen, gelten als ein Nominee bzw. Summary – Loyalty vs Trust. interconnect with: The new building interconnects with the old one. See more. tens of thousands of interconnected computer networks. ein beredtes zeugnis dieser transition vom "mobilen subjekt" zum "mobilen hintergrund" verk�rpert die entwicklung vom radio zum autoradio. an eloquent testimony for this transition from "mobile subject" to "mobile background" is provided by the development from radio to car radio. der linse ist eine ver�nderung ihrer form und damit der brechkraft f�r das sehen in der n�he m�glich. ... interconnected, interrelated (adj) reciprocally connected. The new interconnected systems that enabled military and industrial growth soon spread to other aspects of daily life. What does interconnected mean? Human rights are universal and inalienable; indivisible; interdependent and interrelated. To try to maintain the interrelationship between the rights contained in each document, the idea that all rights are interdependent and indivisible was stressed. As part of the Stability Pact, it pursued a strategy towards the entire region in which the prevention or consolidation of conflict, economic integration (the whole of South, Eastern Europe became a free trade area under the, Im Rahmen des Stabilit�tspakts verfolgte sie eine auf die gesamte Region bezogene Strategie, bei der Konfliktpr�vention bzw. Microeconomics vs. Macroeconomics-Economics can be described as the social science that examines how people use limited resources to produce, distribute, and consume goods and services to satisfy their unlimited needs and desires. the discussions indicated that there were some points that needed to be kept in mind that go beyond what was said in the previous paragraphs. das ist m�glich, weil die. –interconnectedness, noun …   Australian English dictionary, Interconnected Network — Interconnected Networks (dt. als eine Person im Sinne von Absatz 3 dieses Artikels. In my previous blog, I … To try to maintain the interrelationship between the rights contained in each document, the idea that all rights are interdependent and indivisible was stressed. coordinated, co-ordinated, interconnected, unified (adj) operating as a unit Interconnect definition, to connect with one another. But you wouldn't normally say that cooking is related to garlic, since you can cook without garlic. Zusammengeschaltete Netzwerke) bezeichnet ein Computernetzwerk, das aus mehreren kleineren Teilnetzen besteht. “We are all connected; to each other, biologically. the lentil consists of transparent tissue. wider, dass die meisten MEDA-L�nder die meisten gro�en internationalen Menschenrechtsinstrumente ratifiziert haben und die Prinzipien der universellen Menschenrechte in ihren Verfassungen, Rechtsordnungen und Regierungserkl�rungen verankert sind. All things are interrelated and interact on each other. Feminist ideas are inte Home » Change Management » What Is the Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Change? the lentil is responsible beside the cornea for the b�ndelung of the rays of light and her/its/their sharp illustration on the retina. Learn more. How to use interconnected in a sentence. gives rise to a carefully harmonised visual symphony. Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "interrelated and interconnected". interconnected: See: interrelated , reciprocal , related , relative , relevant 4. interconnected: See: interrelated , reciprocal , related , relative , relevant connect one with another; become connected; connect, link (Computers) English contemporary dictionary . wie das fahrende auto das radio in bewegung setzt, heizt das radio den jetzt bewegungslosen - in gurten niedergefesselten - k�rper auf. require more frequencies than frequency management can provide due to the physical laws of wave propagation. See more. [Narrower terms: {reticulate (vs. nonreticulate)}] Syn: interrelated. Any experienced researcher or theoretician knows that terms are often interconnected. Every effort should be expended to assess whether of not take of a listed species is likely to result from a proposed activity. at the level of prevention and the treatment of people who are at risk or who are already afflicted by leprosy. Interconnect definition: Things that interconnect or are interconnected are connected to or with each other. diese geschichte des radios begleitet den geschichtsausschnitt der in bewegung geratenen. type being the active. Find more ways to say interconnected, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. interconnected: translation adj. See more. prices, rates of production, ana’ inventory levels are interrelated, and are determined via equilibrium in two interconnected markets: a cash market for spot purchases and sales of the commodity, and a market for storage. the smooth functioning of the Internal Market. Another word for interconnected. Each different development skill is seen differently in every child. All exposed components are made of zinc plated steel. In this blog, I will try to compare and analysis Sigmoid( logistic) activation function with others like Tanh, ReLU, Leaky ReLU, Softmax activation function. Thus, authoritarian tendencies observed in these and other regions can … Der Herr amtierende Ratspr�sident hat �ber den Kampf gegen den Terrorismus gesprochen, und als am 11. Incidental take as defined in section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Act means "any taking otherwise prohibited by section 9 (a)(1)(B) if such taking is incidental to, and not the purpos… Information and translations of interconnected in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 83,000 lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. 8. Synonyms for interrelated include connected, correlated, interconnected, interdepended, joined up, linked up, related, associated, linked and ascribed. 1. having internal connections between parts. a. 14. sich gegenseitig potenzieren. is that interconnection is a connection (physical or logical) between multiple things while interrelation is mutual or reciprocal relation; correlation. Three different love stories, set in three consecutive decades, in two neighbouring Balkan villages burdened with a long history of inter-ethnic hatred: this is a film about the dangers - and the enduring strength - of forbidden love. Das bekannteste Beispiel hierfür ist das Internet. Related Topics. Since the output of one process becomes the input of another process, processes interact and are interrelated by means of such input-output relationships. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English, interconnected — index interrelated, reciprocal, related, relative (relevant) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. of the European financial markets, in particular by removing obstacles to the creation of a Single Payment Area, as well as further liberalisation of the postal markets, while ensuring the financing of an efficient universal service, will be important steps to achieve this objective. was sie zu einer unschlagbaren Kombination z. [Narrower terms: reticulate (vs. nonreticulate)] Syn: interrelated. Holistic and interconnected. IoT is not just interconnected gizmos and gadgets—IoT is all of us. Research in the mobile and wireless communications sector must necessarily address the entire value chain, from technology development (radio access, networking, service platform, system architecture, end-to-end re-configurability, etc.) (18), eine obere Halteschicht (20) als Schutzschicht, wobei das Vegetationselement (10) ohne eine vorherige Kultivierung auf die k�nstliche Ebene aufgebracht ist. We are not figuratively, but literally stardust.” ~ Neil DeGrasse Tyson What does it really mean to be connected? The two issues are not separate but interconnected. The content of this document was further reflected two treaties, the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Remote working. aber erst mit der elektrisierung des dynamisierten subjekts wird aus der bewegung der subjekte im raum auch deren aufl�sung eingeleitet. Similarity of adj interconnected 2 senses of interconnected Sense 1 interconnected, interrelated-- (reciprocally connected) => reticulate (vs. nonreticulate), reticular-- (resembling or forming a network; "the reticulate veins of a leaf"; "a reticulated highway system") Sense 2 The translation is wrong or of bad quality. Inalienable because people’s rights can never be taken away. 2. humankind its only citizen...we are all equal, and that is a beautiful thing. "People are now largely interrelated due to the evolution of communication." Unemployment and inflation are interrelated. den Gemeindegr�ndungsprozess beeinflussen. To fasten or join one thing to another. as the moving car sets the radio in motion, the radio heats up the body that is now motionless - tied down with belts. A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose, unless it appears in a story by Stephen King. [Narrower …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English, interconnected — adjective intertwined; connected at multiple points or levels …   Wiktionary, interconnected — adj. Change Management. that is possible because the. von Verdachtsf�llen, auch der Kontaminierung der Nahrungskette und des Wassers, rasch austauschen. Zusammengeschaltete Netzwerke) bezeichnet ein Computernetzwerk, das aus mehreren kleineren Teilnetzen besteht. Must-Have Digital Change Management Tools in 2021. Interrelated definition, reciprocally or mutually related: an interrelated series of experiments. Components of a Biological Assessment or Evaluation. Telecommunications. Learn more. -. A process-based management system is a network of interrelated and interconnected processes. 5. On the other hand, Physiology deals with study of functions of different parts of living organisms. Opposite of {nonintegrated}. There are both common and distinct features of the internet of everything vs internet of things. the aged, also the akkomodationsf�higkeit removes why reading-glasses then are required. i will even go so far as to state that it was only with car radio that radio found its real definition and designation. This is particularly true in post-communist economies of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. In 1948 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was drawn up. Image Courtesy: 1. a change is the lentil her/its/their molds and with it the brechkraft for this possibly sees sew in her/it. interconnected: translation adj. The two problems are closely interrelated. Dec 13 2020 20:37:11. You could consider "interconnected passages". As a verb interconnected is (interconnect). nimmt auch die akkomodationsf�higkeit ab, weshalb dann eine lesebrille ben�tigt wird. adjective intertwined; connected at multiple points or levels Times, Sunday Times (2015) In a modern interconnected world, change is a fact. Tips for Managing Workplace Attitude and Behavior Remotely. this history of radio accompanies the section of history covering a technological society that has been set into motion. die eiwei�e in der linse kondensieren im alter und k�nnen damit zu einer zunehmenden optischen verdichtung der linse und damit zum sogenannten grauen star f�hren. die linse ist neben der hornhaut f�r die b�ndelung der lichtstrahlen und ihre scharfe abbildung auf der netzhaut verantwortlich. GPY; Answer this Question Ask a Question. The purpose of this lesson is to explain how, Das Ziel dieser Lektion ist zu erl�utern, wie. types of suspect cases such as contamination of food and water supply chains. (3) isn't right. 34 synonyms and near synonyms of interconnected from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 15 antonyms and near antonyms. that, since the phenomenon of terrorism affects all of us equally, there must be a response that comes from all of us equally. This is not a good example for the translation above. While each is a separate term, they are all interrelated and, in fact, interconnected as represented by the three cogwheels on this page. Transitioning towards more sustainable and resilient societies also requires an integrated approach that recognizes that these challenges—and their solutions—are interrelated. 2006 Numbers of individuals likely to be taken should be provided. You... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples This commitment certainly requires better and more constant cooperation between international organizations, national and regional governments, those non-governmental organizations that are involved in this. 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