methods of educational psychology

So, some of the popular methods are as below. The study of psychology may prepare such a mental set for the teacher. But how he is doing it, what feelings and thoughts are passing his mind, we can learn only when he introspects his own mind and reports. So, its findings are expected to be more objective, dependable, reliable data on human abilities like memory, attention, intelligence, learning, fatigue, and problem solving are obtained out of this method of experimentation. A questionnaire is a series of printed or written questions which the individual is supposed to answer. 1. Rousseau had maintained the view that the child should be treated as a child before he is an adult. The human subjects on which the experiment is being performed may be an adult or a child or an adolescent. However, there is no such definite relation in reverse direction. The experimenter can control and create the conditions himself which influence the fact under investigation and can vary them systematically. Accordingly, educational help and guidance need to be provided from his side. Momenteel niet verkrijgbaar. The stimulus is changed and the response changes. IT IS ONE OF THE OLDEST METHOD OF PSYCHOLOGY, WHICH IS DERIVED FROM … The role of psychology in education may be clear to us only when we know its limitations. Similarly the impact of over-secretion or under-secretion of different kinds of hormones in governing behaviour is studied. He should be able to judge his own activity and behavior without the sense of any bias. The experimenter can repeat the experiment for many times without any wait. In the worlds of James N. Shafer, the world ‘variable’ itself refers to any event or process that may assume different values. By applying the principles and techniques of psychology, it tries to study the behaviour and experiences of the pupils. In brief, we can say that Educational psychology is a psychology of learning. If there are two or more competing responses to the same stimulus or situation, the probability of each competitor can be determined in series of trials. "and "What are the best ways of achieving these purposes?" But the usefulness of this method depends on how specific and clear the instructions are. There is an experimenter or experimenters. Every phenomena cannot be studied in the laboratory e.g., to study the causes of abnormality and abnormal behaviour we cannot make our subject mad. Response latency is the interval between a stimulus change and the occurrence of a response. (c) Response variables (Dependent variables): The dependent variable is the variable that we predict will change with changes in the independent variable. As Woodworth states, “Experiment has made psychology an exact science.” It gives us the exact results, as statistical techniques and calculations are used in it. Depending on the instructions, a subject may have a set to respond in different ways. Stephen has maintained, “Educational Psychology is the systematic study of the educational growth and development of a child.”, Skinner is of the view, “Educational Psychology is the branch of psychology which deals with teaching and learning.”, On the other hand, Liste D. Crow and Alice Crow have defined, “Educational Psychology describes and explains the learning experiences of an individual from birth to old age. A hypothesis is formed on the basis of available general knowledge insight and research inferences. The passage having been memorised, group ‘A’ will be given some rest-pause for a certain period whereas group ‘B’ will be given some other intellectual task, say, of working out some mathematical problems during this interval. Peter Sandiford while defining Educational Psychology says, “Its subject matter is the behavior of human beings undergoing the process of education. It studies the stages of development and their characteristic in order to design the system and method of learning. Introspection goes to mean looking into one’s own mind and experiences in knowing the mind of others. (i) Habit strength, the strength of association between a certain S and certain R, based on previous learning. The role of heredity and environment in bringing optimum development of the child, constitute an important area of its study. What cannot be verified or repeated by others lack scientific validity. Suppose we want to study the effect of a period of intellectual activity after memorising a prose passage, on the amount of material remembered. This problem was solved to a large extent by the introduction of type-recording, photographic films or by employing a number of stenographers to record the behaviour. Many of the evils of our social life are owing to mental illness caused due to a defective social environment. The employment of this method includes the use of case histories, interviews and psychological testing. It has to study the psycho-physical abilities of the learner in an analytical way. Fourthly, the problem that has to be observed, is well-defined and observers are trained to distinguish between what is observed and what is interpreted. The method has many advantages. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to discuss anything and everything about Psychology. It is the roles of a teacher to know the child whom he is going to teach. A couple of students in your class are showing poor scholastic achievements or some behaviour problems. Earlier the influence of a teacher and teacher’s authoritarianism had made education of the child subject-centered. It is very lengthy, time consuming and energy consuming. The following are its distinct and promising areas of study. A man’s present psychological state is nothing but a reflection of the past. For example, educators can use concepts from educational psychology to understand and address the ways rapidly changing technologies both help and harm their students’ learning. Introspection is the easiest of all methods of educational psychology. Educational psychology is responsible to enquire and examine the soundness of the different methods of teaching used in order to derive the economy and efficiency of child learning. This back-ground should help us to arrive at some conclusions about the learning behaviour in adulthood. Its subject matter of study is basically related to teaching-learning activity. How much is done in the same time allowed? Fatigue, satiation, distraction, fear and caution may cause inhibition. But, it was Rousseau for the first time that brought about a revolutionary change in the traditional concept of a child learning with his classic work ‘Emile’. Educational Psychology is a branch of Applied Psychology which tries to study the behavior of a learner through the responses in a learning environment. Galton used this method in his study of individual differences and Stanley Hall in his study of childhood and adolescence. Some of the organismic variables are following:-. Then came Heinrich Pestalozzi, a Swiss schoolmaster who claimed to have psychologized education. Besides these methods, there are certain other methods that are used by educational psychologists in the collection and organisation of necessary data. Generally speaking, it deals with the young rather than the old, and with the learning situations of the school rather than those of the wider environment. You want to understand the causes so that you may plan some treatment procedures. The Genetic or Developmental Method. The personality of the individual child is the outcome of the interaction of the two forces of heredity and environment. The psychological concept of learning may help the teacher to evolve an appropriate method of teaching. There is no single learning approach that works for everyone. Another difficulty of the method is that it may destroy the very experience or process it aims at studying. The numerical data obtained in terms of marks or scores from various kinds of measurement of human abilities bear the significant potential for their psychological perception. Privacy Policy3. It is the application of psychological principles in the field of education. All the variables cannot be completely controlled. A second type of variable often studied by psychologists is the kind of instruction given to the subjects. Instead, it is an applied branch of general psychology that studies the behavior of an individual in the learning situation and its problems. The methods are: 1. Here the study of psychology may give better insight and understanding of his possible role and responsibility to be performed. Through this socio-metric method, the teacher may be at an advantage to know the most accepted and rejected students are there in the class. It is the scientific study of human behaviour by which it can be understood, predicted and directed by education to achieve goals of life. In observation, he has to wait for the natural phenomenon to occur. Historically introspection is the oldest method of all, which was formerly used in philosophy, and then in psychology to collect data about the conscious experience of the subject. The Clinical Method 5. It studies the behavior of an individual in analytical detail, without summarizing generally accepted norms or goals out of it. The procedure adopted in the conduct of the experiment is also pre-planned and systematic in its procedure. Thus introspection actually becomes retrospection. It does not need any tool or laboratory as the subject and the investigator is the same. LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: Educational Psychology helps us to create the learning environment to teach the hearing impaired … We know only one mind directly and very intimately and that is my own mind. These tools and procedures help us in gathering and organising its subject-matter or the essential facts about it. In physical sciences, experiments are performed on inorganic or dead subjects, whereas in psychology experiments are performed on living subjects. It was felt that the subject’s behaviour can be affected by the presence of the psychologist in the room. (4) Controlling the conditions of experiment. INTROSPECTION METHOD WHEN A PERSON OR ‘SUBJECT’ HIMSELF OBSERVES HIS OWN MENTAL STATES AND BEHAVIOUR,IT IS INTROSPECTION OR SUBJECTIVE OBSERVATION. 4. Man’s behavior is by nature dynamic and variable that could not be decided finally even by Psychology, for all time to come’. Our observations should be free from our own biases, prejudices and result from sustained attention. These simple behaviour patterns grow more complex gradually as the individual grows in age. It involves the question of individual differences in ability, potential, prospect, and limitations in learning. We should pool our observations with those made by others. The primary aim of educational psychology is (a) To contribute to an understanding of sound educational practices. It is the experimental method which has made psychology a science and put it on scientific footing. But no laboratory has studied such a man and perhaps no laboratory will be able to do that though we may succeed in studying individually the effect of each one of the above facts. More particularly the mothers who are in the habit of keeping ‘baby diary’ may give valuable information on the growth-trend of the babies. Today’s educational system is highly complex. We interfere with them and arrange them for ourselves in order to see what will happen………………………. Educational Psychology tries to develop biological individuality into social personality in the child. More particularly in a classroom situation, the students have a mutual relationship of acceptance and rejection that provides an interesting study of their nature of the social relationship. (iv) Inhibition tending to diminish the momentary readiness for a response. Merits (Advantages) of Experimental Method: Demerits (Limitations) of Experimental Method: Method # 5. Heredity represents the native potential and the prospect of the child and environment represents the external force that molds into a definite pattern of reaction or behavior in reality. We observe him carefully and find that, he is sitting absorbed in a certain posture, that he makes certain gestures or that he is mixing such and such colours. Such responses are drawn by presenting a broad range of testing materials like pictures, ink-blot cards, stimulus words, drawing, arranging and interpreting picture situations, filling in the blanks, and so on. Questions should be so framed that the answers can easily be given or the right answer easily checked. The study of the human mind and behavior is obviously not an easy task that involves a good deal of experiences on the complicated methods used by psychologists. Rating scales and checklists are often used as important devices of observing and evaluating personality or behaviour traits. It is one of the most popular of methods used in psychology for collection of data. The lesser the energy is consumed in attaining a certain result, the greater is the efficiency. Psychology Psychology Secondary Course Notes 10 PSYCHOLOGY SECONDARY COURSE Methods of Psychology different parts of brain in regulating feelings, memories, emotions and other aspects of behaviour. Educational Psychology Books PDF- Are you searching for Educational psychology notes for B.ed then you are in the right place.Today I will provide you the complete notes on educational psychology. His concept of natural education had awakened the conscience of the teachers for which Rousseau is known as the father of modern education. Knowledge of psychology has been considered as a must for the teacher who is involved in the art of teaching. (c) The state of the organism at the time of experiment must be considered. I. Mayo, Samuel Psychologists who work in this field are interested in … Reward and punishment in education cannot be completely ruled out. In order to have a clear picture of the subject in mind, the following definition may be taken up for our consideration: As per Charles Judd, “Educational Psychology is the science which explains the changes that take place in the individuals as they pass through the various stages of development”. An experiment is thus a question asked from nature”. In the context of the increasing complexity of our social life, keeping mental health and hygiene appears to be a problem. Hence there is a gulf between the laboratory experiments and life. Again, the method does not entail any expenses. For much of human history, educational method was largely unconscious and consisted of children imitating or modelling their behaviour on that of their elders, learning through observation and play. For example, if we want to rate teacher- trainees on their sociability we might ask three or four supervisors to point out the place of each teacher trainee on the scale which may be as follows: This scale has five degrees of the trait to be rated: This is a five point scale. etc. Teaching theories: educational psychology Traditional theories Mental-discipline theories. That’s why psychologists working in the field of education are focused on identifying and studying learning methods to better understand how people absorb and retain new information. To understand ones own mental health and the state of mind. Several objections have been raised against this method by later psychologists i.e., after Titchner. Fifthly, to ensure accuracy of observation and to reduce the effect of bias, the behaviour may be observed for a specific period of time, after it has been analysed into its various aspects. In the laboratory, we control all other variables and arrive at a finding regarding the relation between a specific stimulus and a specific response. The significant information in regard to the process of a child’s gradual psycho-physical development may be collected from the authentic sources closely related to the child. The subject may become self-conscious and may not behave naturally, which he would have done had been alone in the room. In actual life, several stimuli act at the same time and several responses appear. The clinical investigator may start with some hypothesis about the probable causes of the difficulty or troublesome behaviour. It assumes that a full appreciation of such behaviour patterns of an adult requires the study of simple behaviour patterns in his childhood. Its subject matter is concerned with the conditions that affect learning. Here ‘punishment’ is stimulus variable and ‘slow or quick speed of learning’ is known as response variable. He also has interests and aptitudes of his own that need greater attention from the teacher. What do we inherit? REWARD AND PUNISHMENT: Reward and punishment is the behavioural approach educational psychology helps the teacher to teach when she gives reward and when she gives punishment to the child for positive behavior attitude. Psychologists found that they could not keep pace with the speed of subjects’ behaviour and thought as expressed by them. An experiment cannot be conducted at all times and all places. Educational psychology involves the study of how people learn, including topics such as student outcomes, instructional procedures, personal differences in learning, gifted learners or learning disabilities. Psychology in education may help the teacher to determine a suitable method of teaching of his own. Control is the basic element in experimentation. Hence, introspection is regarded as an unscientific method. It studies the developmental characteristics of human behavior from birth onwards. The subject would behave in the most natural manner without knowing that he was being observed or studied. This study is done by one method. The experimenter may be interested in knowing the effect of manipulating aspect of the task itself. Thirdly, if needed. This method seeks to answer such questions as: How do we become what we are? How does the perception develop? This also limits the scope of our generalisations. 3. Measure of accuracy is almost inevitably a measure of errors. The experimental method can be repeated without any difficulty. There was another problem besides the speed of behaviour. In this regard, the following points are the limitations: Education is one of the fundamental needs of the modern man. This method will be useful in such conditions. Projection is an act of externalizing the mental conflict and other internal conditions that give rise to pain or discomfort in mind. The method is open to criticism since the teacher or observer may have missed certain things or may not remember accurately. The Observational Method 3. This method has universal application. By “stimulus”, we mean any physical force in the environment which impinges (strikes) the organism to behave, or to react. Thorndike, Juad, Freeman, Kohler, Pavlov and Skinner etc. The study of the individuality of the child with a view to individualization of his learning and education covers a major area of study in educational psychology. Experimental method is most reliable, most valid, most systematic, most precise and most objective method of psychology. Educational Psychology: Educational Psychology was discovered in the late 1800s. We can have two groups of students or subjects. This is a limitation of the method. As it very difficult to exercise complete control, efforts are made to assign cases in the experimental and control groups randomly. Subjects constituting the control group do not receive the drug whereas those of the experimental group do set it. These methods have to be scientific, consistent and systematic if the knowledge that we get through them is to be used for scientific purposes. It is used by clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, psychiatric social works and teachers in child guidance clinics or mental hygiene centers or in ordinary school situations. Human learning is a complex process that involves the study of physical, mental, emotional, and social development. “A Two-year Old Goes to Hospital”. The value of mixed methods research in educational psychology. Some scales have three or seven degrees. Educational psychology involves the study of how people learn, including topics such as student outcomes, the instructional process, individual differences in learning, gifted learners, and learning disabilities. What changes take place in thought and behaviour at different stages of life? We can only say that such and such person is more worried today than yesterday or he is more worried than another individual. According to Chapin “An experiment is an observation under controlled conditions.” Festinger says, “The essence of an experiment may be described as observing the effect on a dependent variable of the manipulation of an independent variable.”. Thus our own mind forms the reliable basis of knowing other’s minds and experiences. Who would you prefer to be the captain in the class? (a) It has wide applications in all the branches of psychology especially in the intelligence measurement, personality measurement, attitude formation, individual differences and mental disorders. Psychologists working in this field are interested in … Such information may relate to a child’s date and time of significant psycho-physical development like teething, crawling, walking, a pronouncement of the first vocabulary in mouth, and the like. According to Brown and Martin, “anecdotes are descriptive accounts of episodes or occurrences in the daily life of the student.” These accounts are written out of memory of the teacher or observer. This device is called “time sampling” i.e., the behaviour is sampled for a short and definite period of time and it is regarded as representative of the behaviour in general covered by the various analysable elements together. The nature and the degree of such a relationship can be objectively assessed by using a questionnaire. In observation, we are content to take facts as we find them; but in an experiment we are not. They are considered as effective means or tools in the hands of the teachers. It had helped in working out of the educational plan and program for the effective solution of the problems. The first variable (stimulus variable) can be changed by the experimenter at will and is deliberately and systematically varied to find out how this is accompanied by changes in the second set of variables (response variables). Ex- Story-telling , Direct activity. Proving or disproving a hypothesis is technically described as ‘testing’ a hypothesis. The methods are: 1. So, the study of the nature and causes of their complexity and to normalize the situation covers became an interesting area of its study. In other words, dependent variable or response variable is that variable on which the effect is being studied. Before publishing your Articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. We will have to use the same group at the same hour, with always a similar task to be done, with always the same conditions of seating, lighting, absence from distractions, interests or purposes, and direction giving; but with varying room temperature from sitting to sitting. Experimental investigations has thrown light on different ways of memorisation, the effect of different factors on learning, mental fatigue, image and imagination, span of attention, the effects of giving children practice or coaching on intelligence tests, transfer of training, the role of maturation in learning and the like. Similarly, we cannot retard the growth of a child to find out the causes of retardation. The Department of Educational Psychology offers both a doctoral (Ph.D.) and master's (M.Ed.) (3) Designing the independent and dependent variable. It covers the study of the laws, principles, and methods of learning and remembering and in the formation of habits. Response is reaction to the stimulus. In educational psychology, mental measurement provides a promising field of study at present. It has been observed that many of the abnormal and undesirable behavior and activities of children are deeply rooted in the unconscious mind and its elements. Welcome to! As Prof. Murphy states, “The restrictions of time, place and laboratory are a great obstacle in the study of human behaviour.”. 1. It maintains that human experiences of pleasure and pain in various psychosocial situations are universally similar. Experimental method has been widely used in almost all the aspects of education i.e., in: (6) measuring the achievements of the pupils and. The tremendous progress which psychology has made during the last 50 years is due to the use of this method. This is an old method adopted for the study of the conscious mind and its experiences. It mainly deals with the problems of the students and of the teachers in their respective situations of learning and teaching. Experiments on heredity cannot be conducted on human beings under controlled conditions. Educational psychology is the study of the learning process to help students discover effective learning styles, and to help institutions develop useful teaching methods. There are substantive demands in terms of effort, time, and expertise associated with designing and conducting a rigorous mixed methods study (Creswell and Plano Clark, 2018, McKim, 2017). This implies that the teacher should not view the child in terms of adult experiences. It can also be defined as change in behaviour which can be observed. In rating scales we rate or judge an individual on the possession or absence of certain traits. Is performed situation and its experiences individual is supposed to answer, papers... Of natural education had awakened the conscience of the modern man much difficulty and hygiene to... Consideration of the evils of our social life are owing to mental illness caused due to age,,... Called the method of research, data collection will be necessary in actual life, keeping mental health this! Reflection of the child is a subject under particular conditions under particular conditions doctoral Ph.D.... 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