which of the following describes a system?

b. d. Institutionalization, Which of the following best describes the awareness stage of the Change Management Continuum Model? c. transaction processing systems. d. enterprise information technologies, A _____ captures data from company transactions and other key events, and then updates the firm's records, which are maintained in electronic files or databases. Sold merchandise on account to Peter Gallaher, $650.00, plus sales tax,$39.00; total, $689.00. Which of the following is a true statement? Final answer. the parasympathetic nervous system, Where is the brain located? d. It reduces the flow of payments while concentrating on the flow of material and information. Which of the following information technologies (IT) is used by organizations to define structured interactions among their own employees and with external customers? or b. User: Which of the following phrases best describes the purpose of the National Incident Management System (NIMS)? a. inventory control. Cooperative federalism Product life cycle management Compute the vertical displacement of the rigid beam at point CCC. a. Laggard Which of the following describes a real or conceptual structure that organizes a system or concept? think c. It includes information systems that improve communications and support collaboration among members of a project. 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. Which of the following is used to describe when the same health record number is assigned to more than one patient? It is the computers main control program. c. create new orders. System should permit entry of patient name. Which of the following domains best fits the definition of a function concerned with the role of data in the design, development, and management of information systems? c. Early adopter The C: volume contains the Windows system and is formatted with NTFS. One of the users you support, VKumar, has just turned on File History and selected the internal D: drive as the location to which his files will be copied. False. Which of the following best describes DG? b. a. personal systems. d. Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, Which of the following adopter categories is very conservative and highly skeptical of change? Question: Which of the following describes an organized process or set of steps that needs to be followed to develop an information system? User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? b. The behaviors of components in a system occur in isolation. d. The First Amendment. Describe some types of documentation in system design. A person gaining basic knowledge of the change. d. perception, Identify the stage in the Change Management Continuum Model that incorporates the changes in the routine operating procedures of an organization. Closed system It enables the sharing of information across all business functions and all levels of management. Which of the following statements accurately describes the difference between an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) and other types of plans? Cost Management Which of the following is false concerning enterprise resource planning (ERP)? Network sharing Carefully explain your choice. c. in ensuring that information technology risks are mitigated. You use a Windows 10 system with File History enabled. b. Who can take what action with what data under what circumstances. Captures requirements as a story of the steps that are taken between a user and system. A. It conducts energy around the body. -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. Shipment planning and shipment execution are the stages involved in: Which of the following is used to handle unexpected computer shutdowns? = 2 5/20 d. integrated data, text, voice, and video in a single solution that encompasses instant messaging, presence information, and video conferencing. b. product lifecycle systems. Ability of information systems to exchange and use data with each other. Employees are highly committed to the change because it suits their interests. b. group information technologies. c) It is impossible to test all input and precondition combinations in a system. c. podcast -best describes the function of a Joint Information Center. Compilation of a bill for healthcare services. Which of the following scenarios best describes the violation of legally mandated procedures for controlling the information technology (IT) assets? What are these powers called? d. They are the leaders whom others listen to and understand the need for change. the somatic nervous system _____ includes all tools that capture, store, process, exchange, and use information. . It is responsible for our rest and digest response. Which of the following is an example of technical metadata? Control of glands and the muscles of internal organs is a function of the __________ nervous system. A system is a collection of interacting or interconnected elements that follow a set of rules to form a unified whole. Which system consists of nerves that initiate communication? b. relinquish some of its reserved powers to the national government. Project management software It aimed to divide the area controlled communally by American Indian tribes into allotments. C - It is one of the physical components of the computer. In an enterprise information technology, payroll is a part of the: The items that constitute health information primarily depend upon __________. b. b. d. Enterprise resource planning. The rank of the augmented matrix will be equal to 2, that is greater than the rank of the matrix of coefficients, so the matrix is inconsistent and there is no solution. IT system controls are inadequate to meet specific federal Sarbanes-Oxley guidelines that require companies to maintain the integrity of financial data. Each stage of development is characterized by a struggle between opposite emotional states. d. adopt the section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The temperature in deep space is close to absolute zero, which presents thermal challenges for the astronauts who do space walks. A. b. c. Gun purchasing d. Texas state policy does not allow the state to accept grants from the federal government. a. Component Tracking II. Which of the following is the primary purpose for the collection, maintenance, and use of health information? d. The elastic clause. b. a. D) A systematic approach to incident management. The EOP covers all aspects of emergency prevention, preparedness, response, and mitigation, while other types of plans generally focus on one mission area B. Which of the following correctly describes NIMS. 1. The parasympathetic nervous system calms the body and conserves energy. Marijuana use 20/3 System software and application software are also triggered differently. Which of the following is the best example of the function of the peripheral nervous system? source of new energy? Give reasons for your position. d. online learning systems. Images formed on the retina are upside-down and reversed c. Our visual system has difficulty-identifying objects due to . Which of the following is the best definition of protected health information (PHI)? The rank of the augmented matrix equals the rank of the matrix of coefficients, that is 2, where two is the . The set of information technology (IT) hardware, software, and networks in an organization is called its _____. a. group information technologies The capillaries play no role in regulating interstitial fluid. Rapidstudy, an online platform, is used to enhance the learning capabilities of students. In the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, who provides the technical infrastructure help in learning and using the new technology? The commerce clause Community hospital wants to develop a program to manage unstructured content. Which of the following is false concerning enterprise resource planning (ERP)? Early majority b. A state lottery d. The local order file. The jobs in the surveys may not match those in the organization. Product life cycle management (PLM) b. missed information technology projects. Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will ________________. The Fourth Amendment Which of the following controls are executed by the information system? a. Which of the following describes a difference between galaxies and solar systems? Which method should the company use to amortize the bond discount? c. compromise of confidential data regarding organizational plans, products, or services. The blood carries waste materials to the kidneys. b. violation of generally accepted accounting principles. Essentially, system software provides a platform for application software to be run on top of. Which of the following is an example of a secondary use of health information? State governments are subordinate to the national government. b. transaction migration system (TMS) By contrast, end users do interact with application software installing it, booting it up, using it to perform certain tasks, booting it down and uninstalling it. An organization has to submit an audit to prove that it has accurate information on their assets. Web conferencing Which of the following type of metadata is stored within the data file it describes? Open system As a financial analyst, would you prefer one method over the other? A. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. c. Employees comprehend the nature and intent of the change and how he or she will be affected. B. b. The exam will be 1 hour. Allows licensed individuals to enter medical orders. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Which of the following would not be considered reference data? The companys board of directors authorized a bond issue on January 1, 2011, with the following terms: Interest: 8 percent per annum payable each December 31, Effective-interest rate when sold: 12 percent. Which of the following would be an example of a strategic policy? S412. b. A person gaining basic knowledge of the change increasing heartbeat Which of the following would be considered a document? Change Management Continuum Model C. c. States keep the national government from engaging in corrupt practices. d. Electronic bulletin board, Which of the following is the most basic form of Web conferencing? a. a. covers. A. Customer relationship management (CRM), Which of the following supports the flow of data among different organizations to achieve shared goals? d. inappropriate use of information technology resources that reduces worker productivity. b. Which of the following models best describes an architectural approach consisting of a single repository that holds all of an organization's metadata? a. Top-down imposition of standards and procedures d. Organizational information system (OIS), . b. the central nervous system c. Funding for hurricane relief Which of the following best describes data mining? Discussing the gist of the information The operating system is the best-known example of system software. This is an example of: Which of the following information systems employ an analytic model to help users gain insights into a problem situation, examine alternate solutions, and recommend an appropriate course of action? 1,4,13,40,121,364,. [ NIMS sets skills standards for the industry, certifies individual skills against the standards . D. regulates metabolism of glucose Please help I'm missing part of my book. a. personal information technologies. Inventory Management IV. a. violation of generally accepted accounting principles. It is a live Internet presentation that supports interactive communications between the presenter and the audience. You have used Control Panel to access File History as shown in the image. Which of the following is not considered part of an entity relationship diagram? Distinguish between the osseous and membranous labyrinths. It is responsible for our rest and digest response. A) A communications plan. Clinic offices open a 8 a.m. seven days a week. a. transaction processing system (TPS) A. the cranial nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system The planned order file c. adoption c. early majority. d. There are valves exactly like in veins. Hypermedia, podcasts, and Webcasts are the techniques used in: a. decision enabled systems. It enables an employee to contact other employees and their backups. a. failed information technology projects. Is an information system that provides reports to users regarding economic activities and condition of a business the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system, What are the two divisions of the autonomic nervous system? Used to optimize data storage, enhance data quality, and prevent unwanted access to data. b. a subsidized program. Interorganizational systems are examples of _____. d. commit, The _____ stage of the Change Management Continuum Model demonstrates a positive impact on the organization. d. Electronic corporate directories. kenz#8842 B. The computers OS is a well-known example of system software. Implementing a ECM without integration with other systems creates a data silo. Which of the following is a true statement about metadata? The practice of abortion B. 5. The crash . a. Which of the following best describes accounting? Which of the following is true about a physical data model? a. Defend the selections in your design. c. The exchange order file John, a product manager, decides to adopt to a new strategy to improve the quality of products served by his company. D. b. Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Which of the following is a combination of rules, relationships, ideas, and experiences? A set of functions that are used to plan, organize, and coordinate people, processes, technology, and content for managing information as a corporate asset Which of the following best describes the purpose of an HIE? D. Inform Which of the following best describes the purpose of a DG office? d. theft of computers from a corporate training facility. Which of the following domains is responsible for providing data protection mechanisms? a. If we think of the computer system as a layered model, the system software is the interface between the hardware and user applications. d. Automobile. d. Power is reserved for the states exclusively. d. an unfunded mandate. Which of the following scenarios best describes the compromise of confidential data regarding organizational plans, products, or services? True Structured information that describes an information resource. Which of the following best describes metadata? d. The system can do no work. C. Up to 192 users, A. Uncheck hide protected operating system Giles in folder options. a. inform (b) Give two reasons why Intit has begun to consume more salt. Cost Management. Propose a design for the clothing of the astronauts that will be most suitable for the thermal environment in space. B. There is no single prescribed EIM organizational structure. d. Immigration. The effective interest method provides a constant interest rate when interest expense is related to the net liability. See Answer This leads to: Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Usefulness, ease of use, management expectations, and facilitating conditions are the key factors of: Following Duke Xiao's death, Shang Yang was charged with treason by the old aristocrats in the state. b. a. You manage a Windows 10 system, on which File History has been turned on. thanks for the answer. Which of the following best describes master data? A _____ is a Web site that allows users to edit and change its content easily and rapidly. The edges overlap, making a mini valve. Complete the following statements to describe the process of the inflammatory response. d. planning process. Examples of a positive feedback system are child birth, lactation, blood clotting etc. Which of the following is the best definition of interoperability? Which of the following would be a data governance activity for managing metadata? Find the distance between the two given lines. a. Which of the following best describes the function of nerves? b. process the refund for returned orders. Located between the layers of meninges, cerebrospinal fluid also acts as a shock absorber for the central nervous system. B. Give some reasons why. Which one of the following describes a system of agriculture where a single crop is grown on a large area? It is a live Internet presentation that supports interactive communications between the presenter and the audience. Which of the following best describes a group of elements that interact with each other through defined relationships to achieve a common goal or objective? If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. A. C. d. Hackers access and download customer data, including account numbers, and carry out a denial-of-service attack on an organization's Web site.

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